Quote of the Day: The Prep School Recruiting Difference

I’m not sure where I’d be without (prep school). (Mine) offered me what no other school in the country could offer: great academics, great football, great culture and great recruitment.


This from a football player who had just signed with Clemson, talking about his decision to leave a top parochial school for prep school.

Before attending prep school, he was getting FCS recruitment. Within three months of his transfer he had his choice of offers from the best FBS schools in the country.




Quote of the Day – Administrative Attitude


He’s a deadly combination of arrogance and insecurity.


A comment about the relatively new director of admission and financial aid at a well known prep school made by another person in the field. The school has seen a precipitous drop in the academic quality of incoming students under the new director, who is also single-handedly scuttling what was a top prep school athletic program. He dismisses any input from, or meaningful communication with, others at the school who want to fix the problem, telling them he’s the only one who could possibly understand what’s going on. A classic example of the Wizard of Oz mentality.



Quote of the Day – Who Makes the School Choice?

I think you should treat kids like grown-ups. I think you should expect them to be mature and to behave, and I think that’s what it means to treat someone like a grown-up, although….It’s not about the abdication of authority.

 …it’s common now in this country to find … the parent functions as educational consultant. The parent makes a recommendation, but the child makes the final decision. I know of cases where the kid was clearly making the wrong decision and the parents knew it but nevertheless felt completely powerless to overrule their child. The child is the one who suffers.

Dr. Leonard Sax, speaking about his new book The Collapse of Parenting and about where today’s parents are making mistakes.


Quote of the Day – Two Years for Less Than the Cost of One


We got two years of prep school for less than one PG year was going to cost.


This from parents whose child was planning on a post-graduate year, but immediately changed his mind after visiting his first prep school and decided to go for his junior year instead.



Quote of the Day – Adjusting to College and D1 Sports


Last year it was just difficult with the balancing of school, being in a new city; it was a lot to handle and it’s tough for freshmen to play well in Division I


One of the top golfing recruits in the country talking about struggling to play up to his potential as a college freshman.



Quote of the Day


We have a spot and all the money for the right minority player.


This from the coach at a very good academic prep school whose basketball program regularly produces D1 players.

